GuidesMost recent guidesView allHow to calculate time on pageAug 1, 2023Ian VanagasHow to set up a public beta program using early access managementJul 28, 2023Ian VanagasHow to do time-based breakdowns (hour, minute, real time)Jul 27, 2023Ian VanagasHow to create custom surveysJul 25, 2023Ian VanagasThe best of PostHog. Delivered twice a month.SubscribeActionsView allHow to create a broken link (404) checkerJun 1, 2023Ian VanagasHow to set up Next.js A/B testsMar 6, 2023Ian VanagasAppsView allAutomating user journeys with PostHog and LaudspeakerJan 26, 2023Abe BasuAdding product data in new tab with Momentum DashNov 4, 2022Ian VanagasCohortsView allHow to track new and returning users in PostHogApr 26, 2023Ian VanagasHow to identify and analyze power usersOct 31, 2022Ian VanagasConfigurationView allBuilding a Next.js cookie consent bannerJul 13, 2023Ian VanagasHow to use Next.js middleware to bootstrap feature flagsJul 4, 2023Ian VanagasCorrelation analysisView allHow to build, analyze and optimize conversion funnels in PostHogApr 20, 2022Yakko MajuriAndy VandervellDashboardsView allHow to discover features that drive user retentionNov 22, 2022Ian VanagasWhat to do after installing PostHog in 5 stepsNov 15, 2022Ian VanagasData managementView allA non-technical guide to understanding data in PostHogNov 28, 2022Ian VanagasHow to capture fewer unwanted eventsOct 20, 2022Ian VanagasEventsView allHow to set up Svelte analytics, feature flags, and moreApr 11, 2023Ian VanagasHow to set up Next.js 13 app directory analytics, feature flags, and moreApr 5, 2023Ian VanagasExperimentationView allHow to do A/A testingJul 7, 2023Ian VanagasHow to do holdout testingJul 6, 2023Ian VanagasFeature flagsView allHow to set up a public beta program using early access managementJul 28, 2023Ian VanagasHow to do A/A testingJul 7, 2023Ian VanagasFiltersView allHow to filter out internal usersFeb 14, 2022Joe MartinFunnelsView allHow to track performance marketing in PostHogDec 8, 2022Ian VanagasHow to build, analyze and optimize conversion funnels in PostHogApr 20, 2022Yakko MajuriAndy VandervellGroup analyticsView allUnderstanding group analytics: frontend vs backend implementationsNov 9, 2022Ian VanagasHeatmapsView allHow to set up a React app heatmap with PostHogMar 7, 2023Ian VanagasUsing the PostHog Toolbar to visualize behavior and create actionsJul 15, 2022Yakko MajuriAndy VandervellHogqlView allHow to calculate time on pageAug 1, 2023Ian VanagasHow to do time-based breakdowns (hour, minute, real time)Jul 27, 2023Ian VanagasInsightsView allHow to calculate time on pageAug 1, 2023Ian VanagasHow to do time-based breakdowns (hour, minute, real time)Jul 27, 2023Ian VanagasLifecycleView allHow to calculate and lower churn rate with PostHogOct 10, 2022Ian VanagasPathsView allHow to build, analyze and optimize conversion funnels in PostHogApr 20, 2022Yakko MajuriAndy VandervellPersonsView allHow to set up Svelte analytics, feature flags, and moreApr 11, 2023Ian VanagasHow to set up Next.js analytics, feature flags, and moreFeb 20, 2023Ian VanagasRetentionView allHow to discover features that drive user retentionNov 22, 2022Ian VanagasMeasuring retention and tracking churnNov 4, 2020Yakko MajuriSentryView allHow to use session replays to improve your support experienceJan 2, 2023Ian VanagasHow to correlate errors with product performance using SentryMay 4, 2022Joe MartinSession replayView allHow to set up Next.js monitoringMay 30, 2023Ian VanagasHow to improve web app performance using PostHog session replaysApr 13, 2023Lior Neu-nerSessionsView allHow to set up cross domain tracking in PostHogNov 8, 2022Ian VanagasCalculating average session duration, time on site, and other session-based metricsSep 26, 2022Ian VanagasSettingsView allHow to migrate to EU CloudOct 11, 2022Ian VanagasHow to filter out internal usersFeb 14, 2022Joe MartinSite-appsView allAutomating user journeys with PostHog and LaudspeakerJan 26, 2023Abe BasuHow to build a site appNov 2, 2022Ian VanagasStickinessView allHow to discover features that drive user retentionNov 22, 2022Ian VanagasMeasuring retention and tracking churnNov 4, 2020Yakko MajuriSubscriptionsView allWhat to do after installing PostHog in 5 stepsNov 15, 2022Ian VanagasHow to trigger Discord notifications when an action is detected in PostHogMay 4, 2022Joe MartinSurveysView allHow to create custom surveysJul 25, 2023Ian VanagasGet feedback and book user interviews with surveysJul 11, 2023Ian VanagasTeam collaborationView allWhat to do after installing PostHog in 5 stepsNov 15, 2022Ian VanagasToolbarView allHow to set up a React app heatmap with PostHogMar 7, 2023Ian VanagasHow to create new events the easy wayOct 4, 2022Joe MartinTrendsView allHow to analyze autocapture events with HogQLJun 7, 2023Ian VanagasThe power of HogQL’s sum() aggregationJun 6, 2023Ian VanagasUser pathsView allBuilding and measuring a sign up funnel with Next.js, Supabase, and PostHogOct 21, 2021Phil LeggetterUtm segmentationView allSet up deep dive acquisition dashboardsSep 19, 2021James HawkinsZapierView allHow to trigger Discord notifications when an action is detected in PostHogMay 4, 2022Joe MartinHow to automatically organize PostHog actions in NotionMay 4, 2022Joe Martin