Product analytics
Group Analytics
Product Analytics Team
Group Analytics enable you to analyze groups, which aggregate events within PostHog. You can have multiple groups and they can even change dynamically. We developed it with B2B users in mind, as it enables teams to create a 'Company' group type to track all users in an organization. You can check the docs for more info!
More complete overhaul
Website & Docs Team
They say a work of art is never finished, only abandoned. Turns out that the same applies to our website too, which up until this point had mostly had a space theme and a dark purple colour focus. We changed that up to focus on what's important: hedgehogs.
SAML support
Pipeline Team
We added SAML to help support large organizations in using PostHog. That's why it's only available on Enterprise plans, though you can read more about it in the docs if you're curious.
Offsite: Portugal
People & Ops Team
Every year, we get the whole team together so we can spend time working, relaxing and discussing the future of the company. We do a hackathon, discuss company values and more. There were lots of highlights from our trip to Porto, but mostly it will be remembered as a time when everyone got very carsick on windy country roads.
Product analytics
Funnels 2.0
Product Analytics Team
Realizing that Funnels was one of the most popular tools in our Product Analytics suite, we invested the time to improve it in line with user expectations. We added breakdowns, overlays, and connected it with other tools on the platform so you could intuitively investigate results in greater depth.
Added to YC's top valued companies
Exec Team
YC has invested in over 3,000 startups and is widely seen as the best startup accelerator in the world. This was the first time PostHog was recognized as one of the top 150 YC startups, but it wasn't the last.
Salesforce Connector
Pipeline Team
Salesforce is one of the most popular pieces of software in the world, and is used by organizations of all sizes. As such, we were very excited to add an integration for it to our app library.
S3, Snowflake intergrations released
Pipeline Team
The PostHog app library continues to grow, with new apps to help you connect additional data sources, such as Snowflake and Amazon S3.
Product analytics
Filter internal / test users
Product Analytics Team
While it can seem like a small feature,having an option to easily filter out internal and test users from insights is one of the most important and often used parts of PostHog. It helps ensure that the results you look at aren't swayed by internal parties.
Hubspot Connector
Pipeline Team
The Hubspot Connector was one of our first apps available for PostHog. It enables you to send event data from PostHog to HubSpot, where it can trigger workflows, be used in campaigns, and more. It remains a powerful and popular PostHog app today!
Apps launched
Pipeline Team
Apps - which we used to call plugins - are a way to build extra functionality within, or on top of, PostHog. You can use apps to do all sorts of things, like sending data to or ingesting it from other source, formatting data within PostHog, or excluding data entirely. You can check out all the apps available for PostHog in our app directory!